The project involved the development of a smart feature phone tailored specifically for soccer fans across Africa. This groundbreaking initiative was the result of a successful collaboration between, a prominent sports media platform, and Airtel, a leading telecommunications company. Together, they set out to revolutionize the way soccer enthusiasts accessed real-time information without the need for any dedicated application.

At the time when blackberry and qwerty phones dominated the African market, the team embarked on this ambitious venture. The primary objective was to provide soccer fans with a seamless and user-friendly experience right from their phone's home screen. By eliminating the need for downloading additional apps, this smart feature phone ensured that users could effortlessly check the latest updates about their favorite teams, live scores, and other match-related information. The project aimed to bridge the digital divide by catering to a wide audience, including those with limited access to smartphones, and make soccer content easily accessible to millions of fans throughout the continent. Through this innovative undertaking, and Airtel cemented their commitment to enhancing sports enthusiasts' engagement and enjoyment in the region.

Overall scope

Hardware design & development
Software design & development
User experience

Team internal team
ODMs from China
Internal design & development